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WEEK ELEVEN Project Presentations Today was the day ! We presented our video to our class . I feel it went well as we managed to get some good reactions and laughs from our audience . Our feedback from our lecture John was good but he mentioned we shoul dhave credited the images and sounds used in our video . In the online world crediting is a vital part as it separates using content to aid projects from plagiarism . We were abit disappointed that we missed out on this part but I think that due to our bad time management we overlooked it . If we had developed our video earlier we probably would have noticed this . Anyways, we will remember it for future project and all in all we were happy with our presentation . I really enjoyed working with my team members . At first it was quiet slow but , when time was running out we all pulled together to get the job done . This module was a really good experience as it opened my eyes to a different world that does actually exist . It also

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